Assigning guests to characters they enjoy playing contributes significantly to the overall success of the murder mystery party. When assigning characters, it’s important to consider the following:
- Is the guest introverted or extroverted? Pairing a guest with a character that matches their personality type is a great way to ensure they are comfortable throughout the night.
- What are your guests comfortable with? Our kits include speeches, making drinks, and occasional dancing. If you know a guest isn’t comfortable performing certain activities, try not to assign them to these characters.
- What are the relationships of your guests like outside of the game? While it's beneficial to mix your guests with others they might not usually interact with, it's important to avoid placing them in awkward or uncomfortable situations. Pairing their character with closer friends for certain character relationships can help ensure everyone feels at ease.
The guide outlines the personality traits of the characters, any significant actions they are directed to perform, and relationships to keep in mind when assigning characters. We’ve also included an extrovert scale, indicating the recommended extroversion level for each character.
Alex “The Ace”: The host of The Groove Gala! Alex “The Ace” or “Glittering Gloria” would be excellent characters for the host to play. This player should be comfortable giving a speech in front of the group.
- Character personality: Extroverted, life of the party, confident.
- Gender: Male
- Extroversion Level: High
Glittering Gloria: The ex-wife of Alex “The Ace”. Make sure the guests playing these two characters are comfortable playing ex-partners! Gloria and Harriet have a mild feud so it would be great if these players have a good external relationship.
- Character personality: Warm, nurturing, enchanting.
- Gender: Female
- Extroversion Level: High
Jimmy Jive: You could cast any male as Jimmy, just make sure the guest has a good external relationship with the player of Barry Big Bucks.
- Character personality: Charismatic, conflicted, supportive.
- Gender: Male
- Extroversion Level: Low to medium
Barry Big Bucks: A menacing character, this role is not for the weak-hearted! The player of Barry needs to have a good external relationship with Jimmy Jive.
- Character personality: Menacing, cagey, entrepreneurial.
- Gender: Male
- Extroversion Level: Medium
Cashflow Cathy: The accountant of the club, Cathy is an upstanding citizen, so your most law-abiding guest might make a good match.
- Character personality: Diligent, guarded, professional.
- Gender: Female
- Extroversion Level: Low to medium
Harriet Heartthrob: This character is a high-class escort. Make sure the player of this character is okay with the adult themes. This guest should be very comfortable with the player of Bobbie “Boogie” Brown. Harriet and Gloria have a mild feud so it would be great if these players have a good external relationship.
- Character personality: Alluring, secretive, caring.
- Gender: Female
- Extroversion Level: Low to medium
Bobbie “Boogie” Brown: As the child of Harriet Heartthrob, this player should be very comfortable with the player of Harriet. If you have a younger guest, this could be a good character for them. They are asked to do on-the-spot dances throughout the night, so think about a guest who would enjoy doing this.
- Character personality: Youthful, overconfident, loves to dance.
- Gender: Neutral
- Extroversion Level: High
Funky Frankie: Frankie’s character profile says “flamboyant”, but the level of this is up to the guest’s discretion.
- Character personality: Flamboyant, leader, friendly.
- Gender: Neutral
- Extroversion Level: Low to medium
Bailey Bartender: The player of this character should be comfortable mixing some drinks and needs to have a very good external relationship with Harriet Heartthrob.
- Character personality: Flirty, cheesy, hopeless romantic.
- Gender: Neutral
- Extroversion Level: High
Brett The Bouncer: You could give this character to one of the quieter males in the group.
- Character personality: Observant, ambitious, assertive
- Gender: Male
- Extroversion Level: Low to medium
Vic Vinyl: You could give this character to one of the quieter guests.
- Character personality: Investigative, intelligent, enjoys stirring up drama.
- Gender: Neutral
- Extroversion Level: Low to medium
Chef Stu: The jokester of the group would have fun playing this character. It would be great if the player of this character gets along well with the player of Gloria as they have a mild feud.
- Character personality: Bossy, to the point, slightly rude.
- Gender: Neutral
- Extroversion Level: High
All characters in the 70’s Groove Gala Kit are designed to be flexible, ensuring everyone has a great time. Feel free to adjust roles to best fit your guests' personalities and comfort levels, creating an enjoyable experience for all.
We hope you have a great time hosting your first murder mystery party.